Crafting a Great Elevator Pitch

elevator pitch

Picture this. You step into an elevator, and there, in front of you, stands the one person who holds the key to the future of your business. You have only the brief duration of that elevator ride to persuade this person to join your journey. What would you say? This precise scenario gave birth to the term ‘Elevator Pitch’.

But the Elevator Pitch isn’t reserved for the confines of an elevator. The classic question, ‘What do you do?’ echoes far beyond. Be it a family reunion where Uncle Joe is curious about your job, a professional networking event bustling with potential connections, or a serendipitous encounter with a potential investor or customer, having a compelling elevator pitch always pays dividends.

In this workshop, we’re going to dive into crafting not one, but two types of persuasive elevator pitch formats. Get ready to master the art of capturing attention and kindling interest, no matter where you are or who you’re talking to! Let’s get started!